Visual Studio 2017 has been released
Date posted: 15/03/2017

Visual Studio 2017 is officially released. Time to see if Microsoft succedeed in integrating .NET Core along with Azure and all other existing features.
You may find additional info and download the latest version from official Visual Studio site.
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.NET Core has been officially released
Date posted: 01/07/2016

Cross-platmorm, free and open-source .NET Core is released and everything points it's here to stay. It's been a long time since Microsoft released a new framework which makes it even more exciting. Even though most features are similar to the original .NET framework, there are some that require different implementation as well as others completely new. To those of you brave enough, I say...Read More
.NET Core RC2 has been released
Date posted: 18/05/2016

While still waiting for .NET Core SDK, Microsoft brings us one step closer to its final release. .NET Core RC2 along with ASP.NET Core RC2 has been released adding extra features comparing to RC1 version. Follow these links to learn more about .NET Core RC2 and ASP.NET Core RC2.
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Visual Stusio 2015 has been released
Date posted: 20/07/2015

Visual Studio 2015 is officially released. Carrying along .NET 4.6, ASP.NET 5, MVC 6 and much more interesting stuff, Visual Studio 2015 is the latest Microsoft product to accompany our coding sessions. Windows 10 applications are, however, not yet supported. This is about to change shortly when Windows 10 release takes place.
You may find more info in MSDN Visual Studio 2015...Read More
Date posted: 20/10/2014

The IT professional community,, in cooperation with the developers' community,, will present an event with five parallel tracks, within two days. ITPro|DevConnections 2014 will be held in Athens, Greece at the Metropolitan Expo the 29th and 30th of November. More details and registration on the official website.
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Google Launchpad in Athens
Date posted: 05/10/2013

Google is delighted to invite developers & start-up enthusiasts from around Greece to join Google Launchpad taking place in the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Athens, Greece, from Monday 7 October - Thursday 10 October 2013.
You will have the opportunity to form teams and work with commercial (marketing, pitching) and technology (mobile, cloud, and web technologies) mentors in order...Read More
DotNetHints is finally ready!
Date posted: 27/09/2013

DotNetHints new edition is finally complete. Featuring a brand new modern design and lots of new features DotNetHints will soon turn into your favourite website. My thanks to kxiii and Anna for their help.
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Growing number of visitors in DotNetHints
Date posted: 10/04/2013

DotNetHints has recently reached 125 unique and 400 total visitors. Thank you all for your support. I will keep writing posts and try to make them as clear and interesting as possible.
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Online classes in
Date posted: 10/11/2012

If you are interested in lerning new stuff, is the right place for you. Providing a variety of classes, you can watch online lectures, created by famous universities, and if you are good enough get a certificate.
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