
Filled with a great deal of articles, the blog is a valuable guide for people who are new to .Net technology as well as more experienced developers.

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Let's talk about GUIDs

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I've been using GUIDs for a long time, even though I had no actual clue of what they were. Well, I did know what they were; they looked like 32 hex digit strings separated by hyphens that looked like that A1F5B524-B197-4787-A6FF-38BC0C8D2B01. And they were unique, so I knew that if I had lots of them within my database tables and inserted yet another one, that would be different from all...

Use your routing system to create a multilingual web forms project

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In a previous article we talked about multilingual sites. This time we are going to see how we can place that info in the page URL, using ASP.NET's routing system, and create this way an entirely different version of a website, depending on the language selected.   Why, you may ask, would I choose Web Forms to do this instead of using MVC's way better routing system?...

5+1 questions concerning strings you never had the time to answer

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Many times I've found myself working on a project while questions concerning code efficiency or why some things were made this way, pop up all around. Since project deadlines are usually more important than my questions, I always end up forgetting the questions I had. To end this, I decided to mark them down, so I can check them out later on. As a result I wrote this article about...

Stress test your website

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Publishing a website is always a pleasant thing to do. However there may be times you guess your website works fine but things will go bad later on. That may be the time the website starts gathering a lot of visitors, much more than the few users that have been testing it before deployment. At that point a few requests on the database or less optimized source code might not look that bad but when...

Creating an asynchronous select control

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Everyone knows the basic select element that is the HTML equivalent to .NET's DropDownList control. Imagine an HTML select containing one hundred or more elements. This would take much time to send and much HTML text to keep your data. Let alone SEO issues that might occur. Instead, data could be filled asynchronously when user activated the control or asked for it using a WCF service leading...

Attacking a website

Comments : 4

People will sometimes attack random websites for their own reason. DotNetHints, being a random website, was bound to become a target of attacks as well. As far as I can tell there has been no damage on either the website or the database. Since all the things I've learned proved quite useful as well as interesting, I decided to write an article containing a list of interesting attack tools,...

Handling unhandled exceptions

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  We have already talked about exception handling and creating error pages on a previous article. In this article we will see how we can use the Global.asax Application_Error method to handle every possible exception in our website.   Introduction   Typical exception handling can use try catch blocks in pieces of code where an exception is likely to happen. On...

Facebook & .NET

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It's been a few years since social networks have become a part of our life. Since people such as celebrity stars and politicians use them, it is no wonder that developers would choose to do so, in their own way. Let's choose Facebook to interact with. We are going to see how we can use .NET to communicate with Facebook API and use it to do things like getting users info or posting on...

URIs, URLs, URNs and .NET

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URL is a term familiar to a lot of people since the beginning of the internet age. Actually, not every internet user is familiar with that URL thing, but at least there are some knowing that copying some letters from the top of your browser and sending them to a friend might help him in opening the same page in his browser. People who are familiar with the internet may have heard the term URI...

Getting content out of web pages - The WebRequest class

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A simple project may be able to do just fine using its local resources, database and nothing but that. However an advanced application may be expected to use distributed resources, such as getting data out of web pages. In that case we need to make requests of our own in order to get that info. .Net contains the WebRequest class which can be quite helpful in such cases. We are going to use WebRequest's...

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